It’s to kids that we dedicate our biggest efforts, with catering services based on quality raw materials of certified provenance to ensure the highest standards of food safety.

We’re "at school" every day with food education projects featuring healthy nutrition programmes for students, parents and teachers. Besides the quality raw ingredients that make up our menus, there is the dedication of our qualified nutritionists and dieticians working to satisfy everyone’s diverse dietary needs.
Food education projects
Behind all the ingredients that make up our menus, in addition to quality raw materials, there is the professionalism and dedication of nutritionists and dieticians who work to satisfy different dietary needs and study healthy and correct nutrition programs.

More than one choice for schools
We promote the idea of food that’s healthy both for us and the environment we live in. Because we can’t really care about what we are eating if we don’t care for and respect our planet.
You are what you eat.
It’s not possible to care about nutrition and diet without understanding that food itself is a source, an important aspect of wellbeing. Sound nutritional values and a varied, balanced diet must go hand in hand with choosing fresh, genuine raw materials.
A really good meal respects not only the health of the person but also that of the planet. This is why thinking about food sustainability increasingly means concentrating on quality at every level. Short supply chains, responsible production and measures to reduce our impact on climate will bring us closer to a new concept of what is good.
Behind every meal there’s a unique story: the recipe, the cultural profile, the origin and above all the story behind the hands that prepared it. We need a change of perspective that focusses on the single product; its identity and above all what makes it different.
One that informs, engages and inspires people by bringing them together, and making them aware of the impact of their nutritional choices and actions.
We are driving forward the new challenges of sustainability, culture and nutrition through innovation. We use digital solutions to turn data into a genuine culinary experiences and smart new services to enhance wellbeing.
Introducing food innovation relies on tailoring the service to the customer to render it more appreciated and effective.

Camst means more than one choice. We offer schools and training colleges a range of additional services to choose from, so that together we can reach defined, shared and sustainable goals.

Technology and Innovation
We have released our school catering app to enable the families of our little consumers to be constantly updated on the meals offered for their lunch break. Our service also includes digital management for payment of school meals.

The school canteen is the ideal space to have meals at school and it must have certain characteristics – visual, acoustic, aesthetic and experiential – to make it a comfortable space where kids can feel at ease..